Published: January 12, 2015
Last updated:

How do I fix Magento’s “Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable”


Your Magento store shows “Service Temporarily Unavailable” page when it is switched into Maintenance mode. It can happen after extension installation via Magento Connect, scheduling a backup or performing any update/upgrade actions:

Magento Service Temporarily Unavailable page
Magento Service Temporarily Unavailable page


To disable “Service Temporarily Unavailable” page you need to delete maintenance.flag file:
Deleting maintenance.flag in Magento's root
Deleting maintenance.flag in Magento’s root
$ cd /path/to/magento/root/public_html/
$ ls
LICENSE.html cron.php includes  mage LICENSE.txt  index.php media
LICENSE_AFL.txt downloader index.php.sample pkginfo RELEASE_NOTES.txt errors install.php shell api.php favicon.ico js skin app get.php lib var
$ rm maintenance.flag
For additional details on maintenance.flag and Maintenance mode please refer to this article.

Posted in: Magento Maintenance

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